Get your USPTO patent notifications straight to your Equinox system. Triggering your pre-set processes and deadlines, our new integration can automate the IP management processes for those operating in the US market.
It’s never been easier to use Equinox in the United States! It’s a more efficient way to manage your US portfolio and helps you keep on top of your tasks.
Let’s look at how it works!
We’ve integrated Equinox with the USPTO!
The USPTO sends daily email notifications when new Office communications are available in Patent Center. Our new integration allows you to send these notifications directly to your Equinox system.
Equinox is also packed with automation functionality to help you maintain your portfolio more easily. So, we’ve combined the integration with our suite of powerful tools to have your deadlines and pre-set processes triggered when you receive a notification from the USPTO.
This will make you even faster to respond to changes in your portfolio, ultimately allowing you to deliver fast, effective actions for your stakeholders.
Expanding our suite of powerful tools
Keeping Equinox up-to-date with the latest tools in the IP industry is a priority for our team.
With subscribers worldwide, we take extra care to ensure that the needs of every region are taken care of. Our subscribers in the United States will find this latest integration highly valuable; it will speed up their portfolio management processes and help them feel the full effect of their Equinox system!
How it works
Our subscriber logs into the Patent Center and configures email notifications to be sent to their unique Equinox email address. Then, any USPTO notifications will be sent directly to their Equinox system. These messages will appear in our new PTO Notifications section.
The clever Equinox system then extracts the document code, mailroom date, and application number from the notification and triggers relevant automated tasks on its corresponding case. Now, your pre-set deadlines and processes kick into action. This could include creating an email template, docketing a new deadline, or reminding you to do a task for the case.
You choose what pre-set tasks match up with each USPTO document code, so you have total control over what events are triggered by a notification.
Docketing made simple
Equinox is built to help you manage the IP management process from one place. It’s packed with helpful tools and integrations to make life easier for your whole team.
Explore the intuitive system used by hundreds of organisations worldwide.