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Choose Equinox to streamline your entire IP workflow
IP industry's first AI-powered IPMS
Connecting with Questel's cutting-edge AI co-pilot, Qthena, Equinox users benefit from unparalleled levels of efficiency and innovation.
Most connected IPMS on the market
Elevate the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of your portfolio data using integrations with leading patent, trademark, and design databases, Questel's comprehensive IP service offering, patent and trademark offices (PTOs), and your existing productivity tools.
Powerful process automation
From docketing and document management to correspondence and reporting, Equinox simplifies every aspect of your IP management processes.
Trust secure & reliable software
Cloud-based and supported by multi-layered security, Equinox offers built-in protection against DDoS attacks and boasts 99.9%+ uptime, ensuring you can manage all your IP securely, from anywhere, at any time.
Future-proof & accelerate growth
Equinox is a scalable solution that accelerates your growth and supports your changing needs. Its regular version updates continuously optimise performance, ensuring your system improves without disrupting your workflow.