Product news

The future of IP management: Our new IP Portal pre-sets feature

By Olivia Miller

We’ve just launched a trailblazing new intellectual property management tool: our IP Portal pre-sets feature! When you get started with Equinox IPMS, you’ll gain access to our entire catalogue of pre-sets, whenever you need them. This is the future of IP management! 

The pre-sets feature offers our subscribers improved visibility, giving you access to the tools you need to feel empowered in your work and have peace of mind that you’ll never miss a deadline! 

Let’s go back a step: what is a pre-set? 

Put simply, it’s the smart way Equinox IPMS automates your admin processes. A pre-set is a term we use to describe a list of tasks and deadlines stored in your IP management system that trigger reminders and actions to ensure your portfolio stays on track. 

Pre-sets that map simple internal processes, like the admin steps involved in opening a new case, can be built by you, straight into your system. The majority of our subscribers, however, rely on using much more complex pre-sets that follow the processes and procedures set out by official offices across the globe. Our new pre-sets feature has just revolutionised (and by that we mean simplified) the way these complex pre-sets are managed. 

what is a pre-set

The new pre-set tool is a great addition to the IP Portal, and we’re really excited for our subscribers to start using it. Subscribers often get in touch to ask if we have a pre-set for a specific country, and we felt that we could create an easier way for users to find out what pre-sets we have on offer. 

Being able to view all available pre-sets and install them straight away from the IP Portal is going to save time and effort for our subscribers. The addition of being able to obtain updated versions of the pre-sets after installation is also going to be a handy solution — it can all be done with the click of a button. 

This new feature will streamline the onboarding process for new subscribers, make ongoing pre-set management much simpler, as well as help our existing subscribers by enriching the pre-set portfolio already in their systems. 

Grace Mallinson, IP Services Manager 


Grace Mallinson - Equinox

How does the IP pre-sets feature work? 

In the background, our team of IP experts track legislative processes and procedures at the official offices for you, then add them into our IP Portal as ready-to-use pre-sets.  

When you subscribe to Equinox IPMS, you gain access to the IP Portal, where you can view and install any pre-sets you need directly into your system. This can be done individually or in bulk, with just a click of a button! We have hundreds listed already and you can quickly filter by IP type and jurisdiction to find what you need.  

Pre-sets on Equinox

Once in your system, you can tweak them so they’re in line with your internal processes, for example by adding in extra tasks or internal deadlines. 

If there is a legislation change that affects any of the pre-sets installed in your system, we’ll notify you. Then, you can simply head back to the IP Portal, check out the change, and update the pre-set — in just seconds! This won’t override any manual tasks you’ve already added, meaning your system stays in line with both the official office process and your internal one. Dreamy! 



How will this feature help you? 

Having worked in IP management, I know that when an applicant’s needs change, they might need broader coverage over new countries. Giving subscribers access to our full list of pre-sets makes it easy to handle this expansion, and the ability to bulk install pre-sets for a whole jurisdiction is invaluable in such cases. 

In the IP Services team, we are constantly monitoring global IP law changes and making updates to our pre-sets, so users can be confident that they always have access to the latest legislation. Being able to instantly install any pre-set is going to save subscribers a lot of time, and we are excited to see users get their hands on the new functionality. 

Ellie Ball, IP Services Administrator 


Ellie Ball - Equinox

Improved visibility 

Being able to see our full catalogue of pre-sets means you can easily check you have everything you need in your system to effectively manage your cases. We’re constantly updating our existing pre-sets when legislative developments occur, and we add new pre-sets regularly. 

Feel empowered in your work 

Need to file a patent, trademark or design in a new country? Use our handy filters to find all the pre-sets available in that jurisdiction, then bulk install them in just one click. So speedy! 

Being able to configure each pre-set to fit in specifically with your internal processes gives you an unparalleled level of control over the way you work in Equinox IPMS. 

Have peace of mind  

Because we continually update our list of pre-sets in line with the official offices in our monitored jurisdictions, you can feel confident you’re always working to the right schedule. It’s never been easier to keep on top of your deadlines.  

Pre-sets for everyone! 

Pre-sets for everyone

Whether you’ve been with us for five years or five minutes, we’re excited to be able to give every subscriber access to our shiny new pre-sets feature. You’ll find a lovely new tab in the IP Portal called ‘Pre-sets’. This is where the magic happens!  

Want to use this powerful new IP management tool? Book a demo with our sales team and they’ll help you get started with Equinox IPMS. 

Innovation at Equinox 

We’re always looking for new ways to improve and expand the Equinox platform, and our pre-sets feature is our latest development. We love creating the latest advances in IP tech that help make your life easier.  

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